Duplicate this event page using the button below
Add event title above
Add dates above. If dates run over the course of a few days (Summer School for example), add the first day date & times, then once you have created that event, click Duplicate below and change the dates for the rest of the week so you end up with 4 separate “events”
Add description of the event here in this box.
Options tab above. Change URL to /event-name (E.G. /summer-school-2020)
Options -Thumbnail image create in canva, dimensions 500 x 500 px
Options- Excerpt add dates, descriptions and a call to action (E.g. Click here to learn more & enrol)
Locations tab above- enter the location details of where the event will be.
Leave the SEO, Social and Share tabs.
Change the call to action button below & add link to how they can enrol (button is currently linked to DSP page for enrolment)
Click save (the event will be auto-populated into the Events section of the student hub!)
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